
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Working With Phrases Like "It Works"

I believe in absolutes. I believe in truth. Therefore, I believe in absolute truth. I do not subscribe to postmodern notions of relative truth. Truth is what it is. Truth is not subjective, it is truth.

However, I've learned something about the way I choose words, listen and communicate that may perhaps be pretty darn postmodern. I am not sure what to make of it.

Take for example the phrase "It works." Typically this phrase, "It works", means the "it" being referred to is operating the way it is suppose to. In other words, the meaning of "It works" should tell the listener that "it" is functioning properly. However, I've learned that even a simple phrase like "It works" needs to be followed up with "What do you mean by 'It Works'?" I've learned "It works" is a relative statement, and so therefore the phrase cannot be trusted to be an accurate picture of reality. There needs to be more defining of what the real meaning is. Make sense?

I've learned that when someone makes what is seemingly an objective truthful statement, it is not (really.) Phrases that appear to be objective must always be followed up with "What do you me by [fill in the blank with the word that needs definition.]?

1 comment:

Joey said...

Ditto to absolute truth/truth no subjective/truth is truth.

Regarding "it works," I'll take your word for it and assume what you said to be absolute truth...