
Monday, April 09, 2007

Back to Life, Back to Reality

Between that moment this morning of stopping my alarm from blaring and moving my feet from underneath the warmth of flannel sheets to the floor I think...back to life, back to reality. It is time to get up and get on with it. Life is calling me to engage and get things done. Yesterday I celebrated Christ's Resurrection with family and friends. Today, it is Monday and I have much to do. Back to life, back to reality.

I got up (obviously.) It is 5:25 a.m. right now. Life really gets going for me in about 15 minutes when I put those 45 pounds plates on that flat bench-press bar over there and start my upper workout. Yesterday I thought of resurrection. This morning though, I began thinking too granular about life. I have already forgotten the magnitude of the meaning behind the resurrection of Christ.

Thankfully though my friend Seth blogged last night I read his entry just now. He linked to a message from John Piper called "Radical Effects of the Resurrection".
"This is a radical call for us to look hard at out present lives to see if they are shaped by the hope of the resurrection. Do we make decisions on the basis of gain in this world or gain in the next? Do we take risks for love’s sake that can only be explained as wise if there is a resurrection?"
The whole simplified idea of this message is that the Resurrection of Christ impacts all of life...everyday. I know. I just needed to be reminded. But the impact is not what you'd expect. The resurrection is not about having a better life now, today. It is much greater than that and has more to do with suffering than my sinful heart prefers. But it is about true joy.

How do I make this thinking reality in my life? How do I stop the insanity and make this message my everyday life? When? How?

Here is the audio and here is the corresponding article. Like my friend Seth pleads...PLEASE LISTEN AND READ!


Reegz said...


smm said...

It's such a hard battle to fight and keep in mind when dealing with mundane life. Only by His grace and His Word do we come close to fighting for it.

Anyways...I used to love that song..."Back to life, back to reality". Do you remember that one?I think it was a mid 90's one